Abigail was born with a cleft lip, alveolus, and palate meaning her upper jaw and lip failed to fuse in utero. When she was one week old, Dr. Brecht began the process of molding the pieces of her cleft closer together using a technique he helped pioneer called nasoalveolar molding (NAM). By bringing the pieces of her cleft in proper alignment and repositioning the nose tissue prior to plastic surgery, Abigail was able to achieve a more successful outcome with improved esthetics and fewer surgical interventions.

Patient Story Testimonial
Abigail’s Story
“I was being treated for a cleft lip and palate. I had it when I was a baby so I had known Dr. Brecht since before I was born. I felt at home and it felt like I was with people who really knew me and understood my story. I feel like now at the end of it after working with Dr. Brecht and everyone, it feels so good. I can smile. I can take pictures and not worry about it. And I’m so happy.”
Thank you!
“I’m most grateful for the peace that I can feel when I look in the mirror. It was such a hard thing for me to do growing up. I’m so happy. I don’t think I can ever describe how that has changed my life and made me feel.”